Comments on: Click Fraud = Friction for Google Tue, 23 Apr 2013 22:51:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: CuriousCat » Car Powered Using Compressed Air CuriousCat » Car Powered Using Compressed Air Mon, 25 Feb 2008 15:10:59 +0000 Jules Verne predicted cars would run on air. The Air Car is making that a reality. The car would be powered by compressed air…

By: CPCcurmudgeon CPCcurmudgeon Mon, 26 Nov 2007 05:39:03 +0000 “I am a bit confused why Google doesn’t adjust the contract to state that the charges are per click, Google does what it can to prevent false clicks and that is the way it is.”

I imagine one reason the contract isn’t worded that way is because it would make it look as if Google didn’t (or wouldn’t) have any control over click fraud, and this would make advertisers reluctant to maintain their current level of ad spend. The “mystique” of Google is to make people think they are capable of doing great things with mounds of data, and even though they have admitted they cannot determine whether every click is fraudulent, they have left open the issue of how much fraud they can actually detect (and either refund or shut down the source of the fraud). So there are advertisers out there who believe that someday, Google will figure out a way to eliminate almost all of the fraud, so rather than reduce their spend, they maintain (and even increase it), so as not to lose their competitive advantage. Some advertisers don’t even pay much attention to their campaigns; they are allocated budget (as they were in traditional media), and are at liberty to spend all of it, despite fraud. Some say they are not worried about fraud (because there is fraud everywhere); some say they don’t have time to worry about fraud. I don’t think they realize that the Internet architecture as currently constituted is particularly susceptible to this type of fraud.

“I don’t really understand how these law suits have any merit.”

Perhaps they don’t. But they reveal that Google did not do an appropriate job of guarding against a kind of fraud that was well understood in Internet engineering circles until they were sued. Google has claimed that the company was too small to deal with the problem when it first surfaced. I find this claim questionable, in light of other things the company has claimed about how resources were allocated at the time, and about the general level of intelligence and engineering acumen they claim.

By: Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog » Google Website Optimizer Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog » Google Website Optimizer Sat, 07 Apr 2007 14:53:09 +0000 [...] Decision Making at Google I think this tool is a very smart move by Google. As I described before, Google’s potential revenue is related to how profitable advertising with Google is for custome…. If Google can improve the return of advertisers, the advertisers have more reason to advertise on [...]

By: Curious Cat Investing and Economics Blog » Google to Let Workers Sell Options Online Curious Cat Investing and Economics Blog » Google to Let Workers Sell Options Online Wed, 13 Dec 2006 15:05:49 +0000 [...] A good idea that reduces friction in the marketplace. Options are transferable, the problem with employee granted options is there is no reasonable marketplace to exchange the options for cash (the friction is very high). Google’s engineers focus on reducing friction in many processes. Many others just accept that the level of friction is inevitable. Google realizes it is not. More on Google Management. by curiouscat December 13, 2006   Tags: Investing, Stocks   Permalink to: Google to Let Workers Sell Options Online [...]
