Comments on: Retirement Savings Survey Results Tue, 23 Apr 2013 22:51:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Curious Cat: Many Retirees Face Prospect of Outliving Savings Curious Cat: Many Retirees Face Prospect of Outliving Savings Sun, 13 Jul 2008 16:49:47 +0000 The most important thing is to start saving early and don’t stop and don’t withdraw any early. If you can’t afford to put in as much as you should then put in what you can, and increase it as soon as you can…

By: Dave H Dave H Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:07:57 +0000 I find this subject to very factual. The scariest thing is, most of these people truly don’t know what they are invested in with their retirement plan or what is even available out there. Where we fall short is the lack of understanding the various types of investments and what we can/or need to do in order to insure we retire without taken a step back in our living style. People need to get educated any they can to accomplish this.

By: Starting Retirement Account Allocations for Someone Under 40 Starting Retirement Account Allocations for Someone Under 40 Fri, 08 Feb 2008 04:05:27 +0000 Don’t worry too much about exactly how your money is allocated at first. The important thing is to start saving for your retirement. After 5 or 10 years then you can take more care with the allocation of your investments…

By: Add to Your Roth IRA at Curious Cat Investing and Economics Blog Add to Your Roth IRA at Curious Cat Investing and Economics Blog Thu, 06 Dec 2007 00:23:04 +0000 [...] money to your Roth Individual Retirement Account for this year yet – go ahead and do so now. Given the state of retirement planning for the vast majority of those in the USA there is a good chance your retirement is the area of your financial life that will most benefit [...]

By: Tips To Allow Retiring Sooner at Curious Cat Investing and Economics Blog Tips To Allow Retiring Sooner at Curious Cat Investing and Economics Blog Mon, 12 Nov 2007 17:46:40 +0000 [...] are not exactly earth shattering recommendation but so many people fail to take even the most basic steps to assure a economically viable retirement the simple advice needs to be re-enforced. No one piece of advice can assure success but by [...]

By: Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog » Keeping Older Workers Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog » Keeping Older Workers Sun, 16 Sep 2007 14:10:41 +0000 [...] part of the reason this seems likely to me is people just don’t save what they need to in order to retire – so many need to keep working (as companies will need experienced [...]
