Comments on: Our Capacity Remains Undiminished Mon, 13 Oct 2014 12:08:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Will Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:48:42 +0000 Good points all, but it is still scary right now. We are a two income family who has done much correct. Original mortgage of 14 years on a 60 year old house. No car loans. No credit card debt. Fairly significant savings. We do have two kids in college though and are very concerned about this economy.

The county in Oregon where we live has a 10% official unemployment rate. That is December and it is expected to be 2% higher for January. Measured correctly, the true unemployment here is supposedly about 3 or 4 points higher. The estimate is that 40% of the work force here is “underemployed” The county just to our north has rates a couple of points higher in all these areas.

This is a disturbing time not just for the current state of affairs, but for fear that it might get a lot worse. With no ability to sell a home right now for almost any price, a job loss even in a family like ours could be ruinous.
