People in the USA make a great deal of money. There are many who make huge amounts of money so many who make a great deal think it is unfair they don’t make more. And many of those just decide to buy what they can’t afford. Then they create their own financial weakness.
Why Living in a Rich Society Makes Us Feel Poor
I guess that would be me. I don’t mind if people spend what they earn, but I do mind when people that are given huge amounts of money and spend beyond their means and then complain that they can’t have their cake and eat it too. I am not saying that people don’t have to make tough choices but there are hundreds of millions of people alive today that have real tough economic lives. People that want to live beyond their means in the USA and then complain that life is not fair need to realize that yes life is not fair. And the biggest truth is that hey have been given the advantage over most everyone else in the world (yes some small number that happen to live near them may be even richer).
If they want to spend more – go earn more first. This option, available to most in the USA, is not available to most people alive today. Most people in the USA should be helping those less fortunate than themselves not complaining that they don’t get to buy enough toys compared to this person they see on TV or that they know…
Charities to consider: Trickle Up – Accumen Fund – Grammen Bank – Habitat for Humanity
4 Comments so far
[…] Here is a great tool to see how rich you are: Global Rich List. It drives home the point I made yesterday about how rich almost everyone in America is. Most people (not only in the USA) will probably be surprised how rich they are compared to everyone else in the world. […]
The lesson is powerful. Your personal finance situation is a factor of several things, but very close to the most important is just actually saving money…
This is extreme luxury. It is also part of the reason housing prices take an ever increasing multiple of median income. Basically people are buying two houses (not just one). Average square footage of single-family homes in the USA: 1950 – 983; 1970 – 1,500; 1990 – 2,080; 2004 – 2,349…
Poor spending habits have been a problem for quite some time, the poor economy just is now focusing more people on those bad habits…