I don’t believe you should carry credit card debt at all. See my tips on using credit cards effectively. And you should have an emergency fund to pay at least 6 months of expenses to tap before using credit card debt. But if you do have debt and you are in such a bad personal financial situation where you will not be able to pay back what you have borrowed this might be useful information: Credit Card Companies Willing to Deal Over Debt
So lenders and their collectors are rushing to round up what money they can before things get worse, even if that means forgiving part of some borrowers’ debts. Increasingly, they are stretching out payments and accepting dimes, if not pennies, on the dollar as payment in full.
Lenders are not being charitable. They are simply trying to protect themselves. Banks and card companies are bracing for a wave of defaults on credit card debt in early 2009, and they are vying with each other to get paid first.
Card companies will offer loan modifications only to people who meet certain criteria. Most customers must be delinquent for 90 days or longer. Other considerations include the borrower’s income, existing bank relationships and a credit record that suggests missing a payment is an exception rather than the rule.
While a deal may help avoid credit card cancellation or bankruptcy, it will also lead to a sharp drop in the borrower’s credit score for as long as seven years, making it far more difficult and expensive to obtain new loans. The average consumer’s score will fall 70 to 130 points, on a scale where the strongest borrowers register 700 or more.
This is only an option to minimize a big mistake that results in you finding your self in a very bad situation. The credit card companies are not charities or known for giving away money. They are only going to do this when they figure they won’t get the full amount they are owed and figure getting some is the best they can hope for.
Related: Americans are Drowning in Debt – Families Shouldn’t Finance Everyday Purchases on Credit – Don’t Let the Credit Card Companies Play You for a Fool – Hidden Credit Card Fees