Many people get into financial trouble in part due to their misuse of credit cards. By following a few simple rules you can avoid the missteps and use credit cards to improve you personal finances instead of falling into the credit card traps.
Most importantly, don’t use your credit card for loans. Pay off your balance each month. Pretty obvious advice but far too many people don’t follow it. If you use your credit card for a loans most of time that is a mistake and big risk to your personal financial future. Don’t do it. There is a reason pretty much all the advice from financial advisers on credit cards starts with this – it is the most important advice.
Second, if you don’t follow the advise above pay off your loan as soon as possible. Payment the minimum payment is huge mistake. You should not be making any discretionary purchases if you are not paying down your credit card debt substantially each month.
Continue reading tips on using your credit card in a smart way.
Related: Majoring in Credit Card Debt – Outrageous Credit Card Fees – Credit Card Debt and Delinquencies Decline
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Before considering a credit card, one must ask themselves these questions:
Am I financial literate? What are the pros and cons of having a credit card? What are the responsibilities of having a credit card? Can I afford a credit card with monthly payments?
If you are struggling to ask this question. The first step is to research credit cards thoroughly. Learn about the benefits and detriments of having a credit card. Learn about how it will effect your credit score in the future.