New research confirms feeling powerless leads to expensive purchases. So in addition to learning about personal finance logically it can be important to build your self esteem in order to improve your financial position. For many people understanding human psychology helps them take more control of their own life. And can help when helping others.
In a study that may explain why so many Americans who are deeply in debt still spend beyond their means, authors Derek D. Rucker and Adam D. Galinsky (both Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University) found that research subjects who were asked to recall times when someone else had power over them were willing to pay higher prices for status-symbol items.
“This increased willingness to pay for status-related objects stems from the belief that obtaining such objects will indeed restore a lost sense of power,” write the authors.
Instead of allowing yourself to submit to this impulse you will put yourself in a better position if you refrain from trying to buy a sense of power. Take a real look at your position and make changes that move your personal finances in the right direction.
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