The webcast is by the great Kahn Academy which produces simple educational content (like the above) on all sorts of topics. I find this too slow but I think it might be good for people that are not really sure how the banking system works. There is a group of people that are very apposed to fractional reserved banking, as a principle. I actually am fine with it, but it needs to be regulated much better than we have done.
I suppose it might be true that our political leaders are much too subservient to those giving them lots of cash to regulate in a manner even close to acceptable: and therefore fractional reserve banking is dangerous. I am not sure that they are so hopeless that this is the case, though the more I see of how much they don’t know, and how often they seem to just vote based on what those giving them cash want it gets to be harder to believe they can be trusted to act close to properly (this is extremely sad). And it is mainly an indictment of ourselves: we keep putting people back in power that act mainly to reward those giving them cash and don’t seem interested in actually what is important for the long term interests of the country.
I believe the FDIC actually does quite a good job of providing a solution to manage some issues with a fractional reserve banking system and people being able to rely on getting their money back.
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