Wholesale Prices Rising at Fastest Pace Since 1981
New federal government data showed that the cost of materials used by businesses increased 1.2 percent in July and have risen 9.8 percent during the past 12 months. It was the largest yearly increase since 1981, as businesses absorbed sharp increases in energy and other commodity costs.
Today’s report follows recent news that consumer prices are also rising faster than expected — and faster than the Federal Reserve’s generally accepted target rate of around 2 percent.
Inflation can cause serious damage to your personal finances. As prices increase if you don’t get a raise (or your investments don’t raise) to match the increased costs you must pay your financial situation deteriorates. One benefit, to those with 30 year fixed rate mortgages, is that you get to pay back your loan with inflated dollars. This can be a huge advantage for some, and a huge loss for whoever holds the mortgage.
Related: inflation risk for investments – Inflation is a Real Threat – Food Price Inflation is Quite High – posts on inflation
The Declining Value Of Your College Degree by Greg Ip:
For decades, the typical college graduate’s wage rose well above inflation. But no longer. In the economic expansion that began in 2001 and now appears to be ending, the inflation-adjusted wages of the majority of U.S. workers didn’t grow, even among those who went to college. The government’s statistical snapshots show the typical weekly salary of a worker with a bachelor’s degree, adjusted for inflation, didn’t rise last year from 2006 and was 1.7% below the 2001 level.
To be sure, the average American with a college diploma still earns about 75% more than a worker with a high-school diploma and is less likely to be unemployed. Yet while that so-called college premium is up from 40% in 1979, it is little changed from 2001
The job market is more challenging than it was, it seems to me. Counting on being able to steadily progress during your career, without any gaps or times when you must accept much less than you hoped, is risky. This is one more reason why it is so important to spend less and save more in the good times in your career.
Related: What Do Unemployment Stats Mean? – Engineering Graduates Again in Great Shape – USA Job Growth – The IT Job Market
In response to: Fair Use Rights by David Bradley
Copyright is a taking of a public benefit for a private entity. This was put into law in order to increase the total public benefit. The idea was that taking from the public to provide the creator a limited-term, exclusive, government-granted, right to their work would encourage individuals to invest their time in creating works that would benefit society.
So the debate is properly about how great the taking from the public should be. It seem to me the current situation is completely corrupt. Many of the actions are taking public benefit to provide to the private entity where no possible public benefit exists. Extending copyright periods of long ago created works, where obviously the public is harmed purely for private benefit. No possible argument can be made that their is a payoff to the public for this taking.
If you wanted to take such an action and made it only for new work then their could be an argument that now a creator knows they have 100 years of government provided rights and therefore investing more time and effort in their work creates new and better work. I don’t believe this argument but at least it is possible. The current actions though are mainly about large companies using government to take from the public to provide themselves private benefit with no corresponding public benefit.
Lawrence Lessig is the person who has the best insight in this area, in my opinion: The Value of the Public Domain.
Dr. Deming published his seven deadly diseases of western management a couple decades ago. I would add 2 new diseases: Excessive executive compensation and a broken intellectual property system.
Fair use is the right to reference (and quote limited portions of) works that have been granted government copyright protection. This is integral to the whole idea of creating the greatest public benefit (even while providing some government imposed limits on public rights to the creator). The large companies now are using lawyers to greatly increase the harm to society by expanding the taking of public benefit. They threaten and scare many into paying fees (or completely avoiding works that have been granted limited government granted copyright rights) where none are are rightly due (see Lawrence Lessig for examples). This causes great harm to society for the private benefit of a few. This is an obvious failure of government. Those countries that are successful at adopting more sensible systems are going to have a great advantage over those countries that chose to continue to increasingly bad practices of harming society to benefit a few private interests.
Related: What is Wrong with Copyright Taking Public Good for Private Special Interests – Innovation and Creative Commons – Diplomacy and Science Research – More Government Waste – Crazy Watchmen – General Air Travel Taxes Subsidizing Private Plane Airports – China and the Sugar Industry Tax Consumers
I believe in this model. Giving People the Opportunity to Succeed – Provide a Helping Hand – Creating a World Without Poverty
Forecasting oil futures by Justin Wolfers (Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania) on Marketplace (a great show by the way)
Others ignore the professional forecasters and focus instead on what futures markets are saying. But it turns out that even futures prices are not as accurate as our simple formula. Even sophisticated econometric models don’t yield better forecasts than our simple no-change rule.
The truth is that forecasting oil prices is so darn hard that complicated formulae add nothing but complexity. And so the simplest forecasting rule also turns out to be the best.
This is another example of how tricky it is to predict financial markets. I am a bit surprised for relatively longer periods (like a year) the professionals do so poorly. My father, a statistician (among other things), challenged me to predict the movement of stocks on a daily basis better than his prediction (which was no change). I can’t remember the result – which makes me think I failed. I think I would be more likely to remember if I succeeded.
Related: Prediction Markets at Google – Illusion of Explanatory Depth – 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Rates Graph – Randomization in Sports
U.S. Consumer Prices Jumped in June by the Most in 26 Years
Prices increased 5 percent in the 12 months to June, the most since May 1991. They were forecast to climb 4.5 percent from a year earlier, according to the survey median. The core rate increased 2.4 percent from June 2007, also more than forecast.
Energy expenses jumped 6.6 percent, the biggest gain since the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in September 2005. Gasoline prices soared 10.1 and fuel oil jumped 10.4 percent.
Rents which, make up almost 40 percent of the core CPI, also accelerated. A category designed to track rental prices rose 0.3 percent after a 0.1 percent gain in May. Today’s figures also showed wages decreased 0.9 percent in June after adjusting for inflation, the biggest drop since August 1984, and were down 2.4 percent over the last 12 months. The drop in buying power is one reason economists forecast consumer spending will slow.
The continued increase of inflation is a serious problem. Eventually the federal reserve needs to take serious action (raising the discount rate). And the politicians need to stop raising taxes on the future to spend more and more every year. Their continued financial irresponsibility is a large part of the reason for the declining value of the dollar – along with the voters that keep electing those proposing large increases in spending while pushing off paying for that spending to future tax increases.
Related: inflation investment risk – Food Price Inflation is Quite High – Bernanke warns of inflation – Politicians Again Raising Taxes On Your Children – USA Federal Debt Now $516,348 Per Household
Read more
Energy and food prices have obviously been increasing dramatically. The economist has a nice chart showing where people spend most on food and fuel. In the USA, Canada, Western Europe and Australia people spend less than 25%. In Brazil, India, China, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey… they spend 25-40%. In Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Pakistan… they spend 40-50%. And in Mongolia, Nigeria, Iran, Kenya, Madagascar… they spend over 50%.
The data is from the IMF. As with any economic data there are issues to consider about comparing across countries. Still this is a stark illustration that the impacts those in the wealthy countries feel from rising energy and food prices are felt to a greater degree in poor countries (that already have economic difficulties).
Related: Food Price Inflation is Quite High – Helping Capitalism Make the World Better
The largest oil consuming countries (and EU), in millions of barrels per day:
Country | consumption | % of oil used | % of population | % of World GDP |
USA | 20.8 | 25.9 | 4.5 | 21.0 |
European Union | 14.6 | 18.1 | 7.4 | 21.9 |
China | 6.9 | 8.6 | 19.9 | 10.7 |
Japan | 5.4 | 6.7 | 1.9 | 6.5 |
Russia | 2.9 | 3.6 | 2.1 | 3.2 |
Germany | 2.6 | 3.3 | 1.2 | 4.3 |
India | 2.4 | 3.0 | 17.0 | 4.6 |
Canada | 2.3 | 2.9 | 0.5 | 1.9 |
Korea | 2.1 | 2.7 | 0.7 | 1.8 |
Brazil | 2.1 | 2.6 | 2.9 | 2.8 |
Mexico | 2.1 | 2.6 | 1.6 | 2.1 |
All data is from CIA World Factbook 2008 (downloaded Jun 2008). GDP calculated using purchasing power parity.
Related: Top 10 Manufacturing Countries 2006 – Country H-index Rank for Science Publications – Best Research University Rankings (2007)
Even worse is the influence of the pork-barrel. Only around 20 states use cost-benefit analyses to evaluate transport projects; of these, just six do so regularly. Alaska’s “bridge to nowhere” is an infamous result of this sort of planning. But it is not exceptional. Two months after the bridge collapsed in Minneapolis, the Senate approved a transport and housing bill that included money for a stadium in Montana and a museum in Las Vegas.
Such plans stand in stark contrast to the federal government’s strategy today. America invests a mere 2.4% of GDP in infrastructure, compared with 5% in Europe and 9% in China, and the distribution of that money is misguided.
I think they underestimate our ability to ignore. For example we have over $500,000 in federal government debt per household and continue to raise taxes on future generations without any guilt. I think our capacity to ignore is pretty large and certainly large enough to ignore the decision to spend money on things other than infrastructure repair.
I think those that don’t somehow manage to remain ignorant all know that China has taken the lead in investing in infrastructure and that the USA has chosen to elect politicians that are gutting infrastructure investments (and still spending far beyond the resources they have available). I can’t imagine many who understand economics have any trouble seeing which country is investing in the future and which country is selling out its future. It is not the choice I wish was being made in the USA but it is obviously the choice we are making.
Related: USA Infrastructure Needs Improvement – Politicians Again Raising Taxes On Your Children – Manufacturing Takes off in India – True Level of USA Federal Debt
Japan to Cut the Cost of Solar 50% Creating Greater Self-sufficiency
The incentive will decrease the cost of a solar photovoltaic system by an estimated 50% within 3 to 5 years. This initiative will make solar energy especially appealing because the cost of electricity in Japan is already over $.20 a kWh. This is roughly double the rate of electricity found in many areas of the US.
Germany is the largest solar market (due to government policy encouraging solar development).
Related: Large-Scale, Cheap Solar Electricity – Solar Energy: Economics, Government and Technology – Wind Power Potential to Produce 20% of Electricity Supply by 2030 – solar energy posts on the Curious Cat Science and Engineering blog