Kodak Debuts Printers With Inexpensive Cartridges. I don’t know anything about the printers but normally companies charge exorbitant amounts for ink cartridges. They rely on the tendency of consumers to only look at the purchase price and ignore the much larger operating expenses.
Currency conversion costs from bankrate.com:
However, your credit issuer or bank often charges an additional fee, usually 2 percent, which adds up to a 3-percent total charge on foreign purchases. Bankrate contacted several credit card issuers, and all refused to explain the reason for the charge.
Follow the link for a list of how much each company charges. Until the credit card companies compete on trying to serve customers well instead of trying to trick customers well such articles are extremely important. The companies have more resources to invest in tricking you than you have to try and find all of the tricks they use.
Related: Don’t Let the Credit Card Companies Play You for a Fool – Hidden Credit Card Fees – Too Much Personal Debt
Give to charity, but do so directly not on calls from telemarketers. Find some good charities. Charity navigator provides statistics and ratings of charities based on how much of the funds raised go to doing the work of the charity versus paying fundraisers, etc.. Telemarketers profit doing charities’ work:
Then he asked the caller how much money goes to the charity and the caller replied that all of it goes to the charity’s fund, which is technically true. The money is required to be deposited in charity’s bank account – which is how states track charity fundraising – then the charity pays the company’s share back to them. “It’s so deceptive,” he said. “People aren’t going to know that.”
Borochoff said that nationally, groups that hire telemarketers keep about a third of the money they solicit. The rest goes to the telemarketers, which incur the expense of compiling caller lists, hiring employees, maintaining calling facilities…
If you want to pay people to call you at home while you are eating dinner, feel free to do so, but if you want to give to charity you should give directly to the charity.
Related: What To Do When A Charity Calls – Stop Dishonest Telemarketers
From the official US Federal Trade Commission site:
Viewing your credit report is an important step to financial security. You should review your credit reports annually (at least) to correct and any errors. Also doing so can be a tool to help you spot identity theft. The credit report site also has a large frequently asked question section with answers to questions like: What is a credit score? How do I request a “fraud alert” be placed on my file? Should I order all my credit reports at one time or space them out over 12 months? (I would suggest spreading the requests out during the year myself).
Update: I would not even consider using Vonage. Any company that takes you money using there online site and then refuses to cancel your service without you call them is exactly like the traditional phone companies they try in ads to say they are different than. Then you call and then force your through a ridicules voice mail tree and then they tell you you have to call back between 9-5 on weekdays to have the privilege of not having them take your money. Completely unacceptable behavior. You can get VOIP phone service without a monthly free now via Ooma by purchasing a device to plug your broadband internet connection into (I got mine for $203 via Amazon).
old post:
Cutting expenses is a great way to free up money to add to savings.
A couple years ago I switched to Vonage for my phone service. They provide phone service through my DSL high speed internet line. I play just $18/mo for local and long distance calls (this is for 500 minutes or less – for $29/mo you can get unlimited calling in North America and Europe). I still use my same phone (I just plug my regular phone into a modem they provided). You do lose the ability to make phone calls when the internet is down which happens if the power goes off – people can still leave you voicemail). I have been very happy and get free voice mail and free caller ID.
More recently I picked up a prepaid phone from Virgin. I pay only for the time I use (no monthly charges) – 25 cents a minute for the first 10 minutes any day and 10 cents a minute thereafter. There are no fees for calling from out of your service area and you have a regular cell phone number. They require I add a minimum of $15 every 3 months to the account but if I don’t use that much the balance just keep growing. This is ideal for anyone that doesn’t spend much time on cell phones. Now some people are very attached to their cell phone. Then this isn’t a good way to save money but for those that don’t feel the need to to stay in touch at all times this is a good option to stay connected when you want without having to pay high monthly fees.
Together I save at least $35/mo. (over $400 a year) and loose nothing I value. I would have to earn an extra $700, or so, to have the same impact (I have to pay taxes on additional earning).
The TIAA CREF site has some valuable retirement planning advice (link updated since some pointy haired boss doesn’t know that web pages must live forever – when are we going to get competent people running web sites?). Take some time to read one of their articles (or read more), for example: Retirement Strategies, a 48 page overview. Yes it requires some time to read but the money involved in retirement is huge. Making the wrong decisions can cost you not $2-5,000 but $100,000, and more, easily. Don’t avoid the steps you need to take to learn cost you.
The key is to get started. If you are relatively young you are lucky, you have decades to learn more and improve your plan. Don’t wait until you are only 10-15 years from retirement. The early you get started the better for you and the more money you will make by choosing wisely. The documents TIAA CREF puts together make it much easier to succeed. We will continue to point out resource to aid your continual quest for financial literacy. It is a long term project.
Questions You Should Ask About Your Investments from the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). They offer questions relating to: general investments, mutual funds, investment advisers, performance of your investments. Questions such as:
What are the total fees to purchase, maintain, and sell this investment? Are there ways that I can reduce or avoid some of the fees that I’ll pay, such as purchasing the investment directly? After all the fees are paid, how much does this investment have to increase in value before I break even?
How liquid is this investment? How easy would it be to sell if I needed my money right away?
Pretty basic stuff but it provides some questions that you should be able to answer. If you can’t then continue on your path to increase your financial literacy. We hope I site can help with that. In addition we link (on the left) to some good sites including fool.com and Marketplace that are useful in educating yourself.
Credit Cards’ Hidden Costs by Kathleen Day
The report by the Government Accountability Office found many consumers do not understand that if a borrower is late on one payment, companies will not only impose a late fee, which can reach nearly $40, almost triple that of a decade ago, but also significantly raise the interest rate on past and future charges, possibly to as high as 30 percent.
Credit cards can be a convenient tool but if you do not pay the balance off every month on time that is a very bad sign for your financial health. And leaves you open to onerous fees from credit card issuers. If you do pay off the whole balance every month (as you should under almost all circumstances) you should have a credit card than pays you a rebate (1% of your spending is common) and has no annual fee.
CNNMoney is not exactly intellectual discussion of economic and investing issues but normally it offers fairly good material for the large number of people. Especially those who really don’t want to read Warren Buffett or Brad Setser. Still the following quote in their article, Cashing in on hot real estate is just wrong:
San Diego-based certified financial planners Christopher Van Slyke and Terry Green recommend an unconventional plan: taking out a new $500,000 ARM.
Handel and Laport can pay off their existing mortgage before the rate rises and retire their other debts. They can put the remaining $200,000 into stock and bond funds.
To be sure, borrowing against a house to put the proceeds into the market rarely makes sense. But in Handel and Laport’s case it does because so much of their net worth is tied up in their home, and the super-hot L.A. real estate market looks primed for a fall…
They can convert equity that might melt away.
They can what? In no way does increasing their leverage convert equity that might melt away. Any amount of “melting away” will still happen after this increase in leverage – no conversion has happened. They still have a full ownership interest in the real estate. If the value of their house fell $300,000 before or after this supposed “conversion” they would “lose” (on paper) the same amount: $300,000. The investment risk for the house has not changed (for the whole portfolio you could argue it has but that gets complicated and subject to debate).
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Fairly frequently I am asked, by friends, for investing advice. One topic I am asked about frequently is mortgages (locking in rates, etc.). Often they are concerned about what a Federal Reserve decision to raise or lower rates will effect the 30 year fixed mortgage rate. Essentially the decision by the Fed won’t have any predictable impact (this is not the complete truth but close enough for the question being asked – this article has more, though it still just provides a cursory view of the situation).
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